Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Compare and contrast the two worlds of Venice and Belmont depicted in Shakespears The Merchant of Venice Essays

Thoroughly analyze the two universes of Venice and Belmont portrayed in Shakespears The Merchant of Venice Essays Investigate the two universes of Venice and Belmont portrayed in Shakespears The Merchant of Venice Paper Investigate the two universes of Venice and Belmont portrayed in Shakespears The Merchant of Venice Paper Exposition Topic: Back in the World Stories Dealer Of Venice Play The Lord Of the Rings the Fellowship Of the Ring The Merchant of Venice is a play composed by Shakespeare. It relates two extremely differentiating stories and settings. One of these accounts happens in sixteenth century Venice and the other from Shakespeares creative mind, Belmont. Both the narratives have such various settings in them, which Shakespeare purposely does. Theres The Bond Story, which happens in Venice and afterward theres The Casket Story which happens in Belmont. Both have entirely unexpected environments and clashing stories. Each setting structures the background to two altogether different stories. The two settings have exceptionally disparate natures. Venice is an exchanging city with a flourishing network. Venice is the focal point of International exchange making it a well off city. Shakespeare makes passing references to the citys highlights; Signor Antonio, numerous a period and oft In the Rialto you have evaluated me About my monies and my usances He proceeds; Since that the exchange and benefit of the city Consisteth all things considered. In this manner go. Belmont then again originates from Shakespears creative mind. Belmont is femininely overwhelmed. Its a well off city like Venice. Belmont is a fantasy universe of adoration and sentiment, which Shakespeare envisions it to be. It is an agreeable and quiet city. In spite of the fact that we are not told on the off chance that it is an island or not, we get passing references that give us a clue it is an island as it is portrayed as an excellent, lavish house; The watery realm, whose aspiring head Spits despite paradise, is no bar To stop the remote spirits, yet they come This shows the peruser that the house must be an extravagant chateau. The expression the watery realm shows it is Neptunes domain. Portia additionally shows the peruser that her home is incredible; when Bassanio picks the correct coffin portrays her home as this reasonable house. Belmont is the home of the rich Portia. Portia lives in a wonderful incredible manor; Be that as it may, presently I was the ruler Of this reasonable chateau, ace of my hirelings This shows Belmont is glorious, serene and pressure free. The direct inverse to Venice. There are two primary stories The Bond Story and The Casket Story. The bond story happens in Venice and the coffin story happens in Belmont. Venice is an affluent, exchanging city where much agent live. It comprises of sensational, tense occasions and is a spot loaded with despondent and cruel individuals, anyway one might say that it likewise has a lively road life. The scenes in Venice for the most part occur in the city. It is exceptionally manly. It is a commercial hazard taking city. This is the place the genuine side of the play happens. Then again Belmont is a city, which reflects serene, amicable satire. The primary character of the bond story is the rich Jew, Shylock. He is the moneylender. Different characters in the coffin story are Bassanio, an Italian ruler who is an admirer to Portia, Antonio, a trader of Venice. The fundamental plot of the story is, that Bassanio needs to go to Belmont to wed Portia, anyway doesnt have enough cash, so his old buddy Antonio wishes to obtain cash from Shylock to provide for Bassanio to go to Belmont. However Shylock and Antonio detest each other; You call me skeptic, relentless pooch, What's more, spit upon my Jewish gaberdine This shows Antonio has such disdain of Shylock. Anyway Shylock loans Antonio 3,000 ducats, yet at an extremely unforgiving cost; let the relinquish Be designated for an equivalent pound Of your reasonable substance, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body pleaseth me As should be obvious Shylock is requesting precisely a pound of reasonable tissue from Antonio, from whatever piece of the body he picks. This makes the bond a deadly one particularly among Shylock and Antonio. Shylock needs vengeance for the multiple occasions he as a Jew has been harmed. This side of the play is overwhelmed by detest. The fundamental topics that happen in Venice are scorn, strict narrow mindedness, retribution, eagerness and bias. This reflects upon the city as being lethal, sensational and tense. Though Belmont then again is a city of Love, marriage, sentiment and satire. Belmont is a part of the play, which brings the parody, fantasy sentiment into point of view. It changes the play from tense and deadly to fun and comedic. It separates the dim, horrendous highlights of Shylock and includes delicate, delightful highlights of Portia and Bassanio and Lorenzo and Jessica; an equivalent pound of your reasonable substance, to be sliced off and taken to How sweet the twilight dozes upon this bank! This additionally shows Belmont is a quiet, twilight and quiet spot to be though Venice is manly and tense. The coffin story is set in Belmont; it basically catches Portia, and her incredible magnificence; In Belmont is a woman luxuriously left, What's more, she is reasonable, and more attractive than that word- Of wondrous excellencies. Now and then from her eyes I received reasonable puzzled messages The ruler of Morocco over and over calls Portia as reasonable Portia. This gives her magnificence. He likewise says all the world wants her. The comedic highlights happen in Belmont, when the admirers show up. Before Portias father passed on he needed to ensure she would wed the ideal man so he planed a test. He made three coffins; one gold, one silver and one lead. First came the sovereign of Morocco, he pick the Gold coffin which was inaccurate, at that point came the ruler of Aragon, he pick the Silver coffin which too was mistaken at that point at last came Bassanio he pick the coffin that was produced using lead and that was right. Bassanio and Portia celebrate, Gratiano weds Nerissa and Lorenzo weds Jessica. The principle subjects here are love, marriage, sentiment and satire. The social orders spoke to in the two settings are altogether different. The Venetian culture is vivacious, extravagant, brimming with well off certain youngsters for instance; Bassanio, Lorenzo, Gratiano, Salarino and Salanio. They appreciate great cooperation and help each other through life for instance when Gratiano and Salarino help Lorenzo run off with Jessica. Another model is when Antonio helps Bassanio court Portia. Anyway they make life horrendous for those outside their gathering; Reasonable state, you spat on me on Wednesday last, You spurnd me such a day, some other time You calld me hound: and for these cordialities Sick loan you hence much monies This shows Antonio makes life terrible for Shylock. This shows Antonio has been so remorseless to him essentially in light of the fact that hes a Jew. Venice is a city brimming with emotional pressures, particularly racial strain; between the Christians and Jews. Shylock says; I loathe him for he is a Christian This shows his disdain towards Christians, particularly Antonio. The two of them abhor each other basically for the way that they are various religions; Antonio being Christian and Shylock being Jewish. Belmont is altogether different to the Venetian culture. Belmont is a position of riches and extravagance. Portia lives in a chateau and when the ruler of Morocco shows up there, he enters to a twist of cornets. This shows Belmont is a position of agreement and simplicity liberated from the business clamor of Venice, and the racial strain. Both Belmont and Venice have various environments, Venice being vivacious and energizing. A city loaded with sensational strains for instance racial pressure, commercial hazard taking, when Antonio obtains cash from Shylock with the expectation that few driven undertakings will deliver huge benefits; Why, dread not, man, I won't relinquish it. Inside these two months, that is a month prior This bond terminates, I do anticipate return Of threefold multiple times the estimation of this bond This shows there is a great deal of rivalry and competition, particularly between two of the plays focal figures Antonio and Shylock. Belmonts climate then again is quiet, tranquil, and liberated from the pressures of Venice; How sweet the evening glow dozes upon this bank! Here will we sit, and let the hints of music Creep in our ears; delicate tranquility and the night Become the contacts of sweet concordance Shakespeare has decided to set The Merchant of Venice in two altogether different settings on the grounds that the play has two totally different stories in it. One explanation could be to give a sharp and significantly compelling complexity. Another explanation perhaps The Venetian setting furnishes us with the genuine side of strain. Then again Belmont gives us the Casket story, which helps the state of mind all through the entire play, since Shakespeare has decided to go to and fro from Belmont to Venice. For instance the incredible dramatization of the court scene not long before the plays end is promptly trailed by the sentiment and delicate parody of the plays last scene, the meeting up of the three sweethearts, Bassanio and Portia, Gratiano and Nerissa and Lorenzo and Jessica. The play completes in Belmont on a note of adoration and congruity as opposed to in Venice on a note of contempt, retaliation and selling out.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Water Level Indicator free essay sample

By and large when we are siphoning fluids like water or might be some other fluid is we need a human to see whether the tank is filled or not or we will put a flood channel to realize that the tank is fill or not in the event of water tank and we get affirmed from the water originating from flood pipe that the has been filled. ere is bunches of wastage of water and still we need a human to have a lookâ over it thus to maintain a strategic distance from this and to spare wastage of water or some other fluid that is being filled. Here is a straightforward circuit for fluid level alert this circuit possibly reveals to us when the tank is full with a blare sound. It is worked around two BC547 transistors (T1 and T2) and trickster 555 ICs(IC1 and IC2). Both IC1 and IC2 are wired in a stable multi vibrator mode. We will compose a custom exposition test on Water Level Indicator or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Clock IC1 delivers low recurrence, while clock IC2 creates high recurrence. Therefore, a blaring tone is produced when the fluid tank is full. At first, when the tank is vacant, transistor T1 doesn't direct. Subsequently, transistor T2 leads and pin 4 of IC1 is low. This low voltage cripples IC1 and it doesn't sway. The low yield of IC1 incapacitates IC2 and it doesn't sway. Therefore, no stable is gotten notification from the speaker. Be that as it may, when the tank gets topped off, transistor T1 conducts. Therefore, transistor T2 is cut off and pin 4 of IC1 turns out to be high. This high voltage enablesIC1 and it wavers to create low frequencies at pin 3. This low-recurrence yield empowers IC2and it likewise sways to create high frequencies. Therefore, stable is created from the speaker. Utilizing preset VR1 we can control the volume of the sound from the speaker. The circuit can be controlled from a 9V battery or from mains by utilizing a 9V power connector. This circuit canâ be handily planned and it is anything but difficult to Assemble the circuit on a broadly useful PCB and we can wall it in a reasonable bureau. The circuit is as demonstrated as follows. Circuit of water level pointer 2) CIRCUIT DIAGARM: 3) How it works: The circuit contains I. Bc547 transistors II. Ic 555 clocks III. Resistors IV. Capacitors V. Speaker/Buzzer/caution VI. 9v power supply(battery/9v connector) VII. Preset VIII. PCB Here we will introduce two water-level tests utilizing metal strips with the end goal that one contacts the base of the tank and different contacts the greatest degree of the water in the tank. Interconnect the sensor and the circuit utilizing an adaptable wire as appeared in above circuit chart. hen tank is vacant or until the fluid contacts the test present at most extreme level the transistor T1 doesn’t leads and afterward yield is high at gatherer of transistor T1, this drives the transistor T2 and transistor T2is in on state, and the yield at authority of transistor will be low and as it is associated toâ pin4(reset pin) this debilitates ic1(555timer) and yield at pin3 which is additio nally low and as it is associated with pin4 of ic2(555timer) and the yield is likewise low at pin3and it doesn't create any stable . At the point when the water or fluid level contacts the second test which is at most extreme fluid level, the transistor T1 leads and afterward yield is low at authority of transistor T1, this drives the transistor T2 into cutoff and transistor T2 is in off state, and the yield at gatherer ofâ transistor will be high and as it is associated with pin4(reset pin) this empowers ic1(555timer) and yield at pin3 which is likewise high and as it is associated with pin4 of ic2(555timer) and the yield isâ produced at pin3and it produces sound. nd by hearing sound we can affirm that the tank is loaded up with fluid and we can quit filling it. Likewise we need a human to turn on and off theâ pumping of water, rather than speaker we can utilize a programmed switch which can turn off theâ pumping naturally. 4) COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION: An) IC 555 TIMER The 555 clock IC is an incorporated circuit (chip) utilized in an assortment of clock, beat age, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be uti lized to give time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop component. Subordinates give up to four planning circuits in a single bundle. Presented in 1972 by Signetics, the 555 is still in boundless use, because of its usability, low cost, and great strength. It is presently made by numerous organizations in the first bipolar and furthermore in low-power CMOS types. Starting at 2003, it was assessed that 1 billion units are fabricated each year. ? PIN DIAGRAM: Pin 1 (Ground): Connects to the 0v power flexibly. Pin 2 (Trigger): Detects 1/3 of rail voltage to make yield HIGH. Pin 2 has command over pin 6. In the event that pin 2 is LOW, and pin 6 LOW, yield proceeds to remain HIGH. On the off chance that pin 6 HIGH, and pin 2 goes LOW, yield goes LOW while pin 2 LOW. A little current entering the base in like manner producer | |mode is intensified in the gatherer yield. In different terms, a NPN transistor is on when its base is pulled high relative | |to the producer. The bolt in the NPN transistor image is on the producer leg and focuses toward the conventional| |current stream when the gadget is in forward dynamic mode. One memory aide for recognizing the image for the NPN | |transistor isn't pointing in. A NPN transistor can be considered as two diodes with a mutual anode area. In ordinary | |operation, the producer base intersection is forward one-sided and the base gatherer intersection is opposite one-sided. In a NPN | |transistor, for instance, when a positive voltage is applied to the base producer intersection, the harmony between thermally | |generated bearers and the repulsing electric field of the consumption district gets lopsided, permitting thermally energized | |electrons to infuse into the base locale. These electrons meander (or diffuse) through the base from the area of high | |concentration close to the producer towards the district of low fixation close to the authority. The proportion of the voltage applied over a resistors terminals to the power of current in the circuit is called its obstruction, and this can be thought to be a consistent (free of the voltage) for conventional resistors working inside their evaluations. Resistors are normal components of electrical systems and electronic circuits and are omnipresent in electronic gear. Viable resistors can be made of different mixes and movies, just as obstruction (wire made of a high-resistivity composite, for example, nickel-chrome). Resistors are additionally executed inside incorporated circuits, especially simple gadgets, and can likewise be coordinated into half breed and printed circuits. D) CAPACITOR: A capacitor (initially known as condenser) is an aloof two-terminal electrical segment used to store vitality in an electric field. The types of down to earth capacitors shift broadly, however all contain at any rate two electrical conveyors isolated by a dielectric (separator); for instance, one normal development comprises of metal foils isolated by a slender layer of protecting film. Capacitors are generally utilized as parts of electrical circuits in numerous basic electrical gadgets. When there is a potential distinction (voltage) over the transmitters, a static electric field creates over the dielectric, making positive charge gather on one plate and negative charge on the other plate. Vitality is put away in the electrostatic field. A perfect capacitor is described by a solitary consistent worth, capacitance, estimated in farads. This is the proportion of the electric charge on every conduit to the potential distinction between them. Capacitors are generally utilized in electronic circuits for blocking direct flow while permitting substituting flow to go, in channel systems, for smoothing the yield of intensity supplies, in the thunderous circuits that tune radios to specific frequencies, in electric force transmission frameworks for balancing out voltage and force stream, and for some different purposes. The capacitor is a sensibly broad model for electric fields inside electric circuits. A perfect capacitor is completely portrayed by a steady capacitance C, characterized as the proportion of charge  ±Q on every conductor to the voltage V between them: [pic] Sometimes energize fabricate influences the capacitor precisely, making its capacitance fluctuate. For this situation, capacitance is characterized as far as steady changes: [pic] E) PRESET: A preset is a three legged electronic part which can be made to offer fluctuating obstruction in a circuit. The obstruction is changed by altering the rotational command over it. The change should be possible by utilizing a little screw driver or a comparative device. The opposition doesn't differ directly yet rather changes in exponential or logarithmic way. Such factor resistors are ordinarily utilized for altering affectability alongside a sensor. The variable obstruction is acquired over the single terminal at front and one of the two different terminals. The two legs at back offer fixed opposition which is separated by the front leg. So at whatever point just the back terminals are utilized, a preset goes about as a fixed resistor. Presets are indicated by their fixed worth obstruction. Pin Diagram: F) BUZZER: A ringer or beeper is a sound flagging gadget, which might be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric. Normal employments of signals and beepers incorporate caution gadgets, clocks and affirmation of client information, for example, a mouse snap or keystroke. Mechanical A delight ringer is a case of an absolutely mechanical signal. Electromechanical Early gadgets depended on an electromechanical framework indistinguishable from an electric chime without the metal gong. Correspondingly, a hand-off might be associated with intrude on its own inciting current, making the contacts buzz. Regularly these units were tied down to a divider or roof to utilize it as a sounding board. The word ringer originates from the grating commotion that electromechanical bells made. Piezoelectric Piezoelectric circle beeper A piezoelectric component might be driven by a wavering electronic circuit or other aud

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Other Wes Moore

Presentation The Other Wes Moore is a 248-book composed by Wes Moore in 2010 and distributed by Spiegel and Grau. While in his last year at college and subsequent to being given a Rhodes Scholar grant, Moore learns of another man with whom he shares a name from the papers (Moore, para. 1). The man is en route to jail blamed for killing a police officer.Advertising We will compose a custom basic composing test on The Other Wes Moore explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moore discovers that he imparts a lot to the suspect and not only a name: they are from a similar neighborhood, were conceived nearly around the same time, lost their dads during their adolescence and were raised by their moms, in any case, their later lives varied gigantically. The Other Wes Moore takes a gander at why the lives of the two men who shared a typical foundation finished so in an unexpected way. How did Wes Moore end up in the military, talk at the 2008 National Convention, and get utiliz ed by Condoleeza Rice while the different Wes Moore was spending time in jail in jail. How could one man accomplish such a great amount throughout everyday life while the other is essentially known as the ‘Other’ Wes Moore? Basic Review Why the Immense Difference at the outset, The Other Wes Moore looks intriguing as the creator finds the odd fortuitous events among him and the man who is accused of shooting and murdering a cop. These happenstances make Wes Moore wonder how he had avoided the predetermination of the different Wes Moore, despite the fact that their experience was indistinguishable. As it were, the creator portrays a â€Å"It could have been me† circumstance. This intriguing presentation would have maybe arranged the peruser for a fascinating read, in any case, Moore selects to look at his life in corresponding with that of the different Wes Moore trying to build up where, and most essentially, why, there lives wound up so in an unexpected way. Thi s correlation makes the book a significant read as it raises an exceptionally basic inquiry: What makes numerous youngsters, particularly dark, poor youngsters from single parent families, take up sedate exchange as a wellspring of job while knowing the hazard that accompanies it. Experiencing the pages, it is apparent that Moore doesn't have a response to that question, he composes, â€Å"What made the difference?†¦The truth is that I don’t know† (Moore, pp. 76). He can just bring up to the comparability to the foundation of the two men, and leaves an official choice to the peruser. The Source of the considerable number of Differences Although he doesn't completely state it, it is apparent from Moore’s record of the two lives that the central matter of dissimilarity among him and the subsequent Moore is standing out they were raised by their moms, and their mother’s own lives. Moore’s mother was raised by school instructed guardians , and she endeavored to make her own prosperity and that of her family.Advertising Looking for basic composition on american writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More She moved a few times in the battle to discover appropriate spot where her youngsters would experience childhood in some level of solace, and she worked in numerous employments so her kids would have respectable training. At the point when she understands that Moore is near the very edge of joining the criminal way of life, she forfeits sincerely and financially and enlists him in a military school. To put it plainly, she just would not respect the cruel conditions that regularly circled them. Despite what might be expected, the second Wes Moore’s mother endeavored to ward off the unforgiving conditions and allurements, at the end of the day surrendered the battle. She regularly abandons Moore as she goes to night outs. She stops school subsequent to losing her g rant. Contrasts at home are squared with beatings. Moore’s more established sibling gets into the medication business, and soon each of them three are in it: mother and her two children. A Similar Background? Moore’s contention that he had a comparative foundation with the other Moore is essentially unfathomable, and is obviously apparent from the primary section, where we watch the cast contrasts between in their childhood. It is straightforward why the two lives wound up in an unexpected way the Johns Hopkins graduate was naturally introduced to an adoring, intently weave family with two school instructed guardians. In spite of the fact that his dad bites the dust while he was youthful, the family stayed unblemished and he got gigantic passionate and budgetary help from various family members. This is in profound stand out from the second Wes Moore, who is destined to a single parent and whose father couldn't care less of him by any means. The two Moores are just com pletely different however the creator doesn't recognize this, perhaps he doesn't fathom this. Despite the fact that he concedes that having a grown-up who is put resources into your government assistance is crucial to a child’s solid turn of events, he doesn't relate this to his own childhood and that the subsequent Moore. He had a steady mother uncle, granddad and a solid willed mother while the other Moore was left unattended by his mom from age 8 while his more seasoned sibling drew in drove a criminal way of life. One-sided Presentation Coming as far as possible of the book, The Other Wes Moore looks increasingly like a vanity venture for the writer. The portions on his own life get more inclusion to the detriment of that of the subsequent Moore. In the epilog, Moore devotes a few pages simply posting his accomplishments in life-these are not identified with the principle subject of the book (why the two men’s lives wound up so in an unexpected way), nor are they a ssessed in any capacity to build the perusers comprehension of the book’s topic it is just a posting of the things he has done or achieved. The writer composes that he â€Å"searched for approaches to fill that opening, at times in places I shouldn’t have looked. I committed some gigantic errors along the way† (Moore, pp. 168), notwithstanding, the perusers never becomes more acquainted with of those missteps while the second Moore’s botches are laid bare.Advertising We will compose a custom basic composing test on The Other Wes Moore explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The book additionally appears to give the writer a stage to demonstrate his poor foundation. He appears to be frenzied to bear witness to his poor and hindered childhood that is differentiated by the way that he and his siblings went to a costly tuition based school. This is deceiving. His case that they had run-ins with the law disregards the sort and seriousness of the offenses: the creator was chided by a cop for showering a structure while the subsequent Moore was captured for threatening another youngster with a blade. End The Other Wes Moore uncovered the impact of fatherlessness in the childhood and destiny of kids. The two men lost their dads and were raised by their moms in single families, this foundation extraordinarily influenced their future life: one winds up as a college graduate and a Rhodes Scholar while the second is accused of the homicide of a police officer. In spite of the fact that the creator attempts to contend that they had a comparable foundation, this affirmation is deceiving: the two men’s early lives were completely different. The creator likewise bombs in his endeavors to demonstrate his poor and impeded foundation, which is invalidated by a few factors that he appears to overlook. As opposed to give the subject a reasonable standpoint, his composing seems one-sided, concentrating on his own qualities and the s econd Moore’s shortcomings. Works Cited Moore, Wes. One Name, Two Fates. 2011. Web. Web. Moore, Wes. The Other Wes Moore. NY: Spiegel and Grau, 2010 This basic composition on The Other Wes Moore was composed and put together by client W1ldPack to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here. The Other Wes Moore Presentation The story The Other Wes Moore: One Name ,Two Fates is one of the advanced smash hits and the most fascinating stories. While perusing the story we are following the existence ways of two individual people who appear to share just a single thing for all intents and purpose: the name. In any case, later it becomes clear that despite the fact that their lives are extraordinary, there are a great deal of equals in their destinies. The story is composed by Wes Moore who reveals to us his genuine story of getting to know a man with the equivalent name.Advertising We will compose a custom book survey test on The Other Wes Moore explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Analysis of the Plot Wes Moore, the writer of the story, met his slashing incidentally. In any case, this mishap changed a great deal in his life. Above all else, it has made him consider his life empowering him discovering which factors from his past have impacted his life way and have made him of who he is these days. Wes Moore, his slashing, is the individual who lived in a similar neighborhood as the creator of the story, he went a similar school, and it tends to be said that he encountered all the existence inconveniences on the way of the arrangement of his character as the creator did. Be that as it may, a few variables had assumed their jobs making their destinies so unique. The impact of guardians was one of the variables. Despite the fact that the creator of the story experienced hard method for growing up living in Bronx, the internal knowledge of his mom helped him to pick the correct way throughout everyday life. He says that â€Å"when my mother previously arrived in the Bronx, she was only a little kid, however she was a survivor and scholarly quickly† (Moore 8). His mom figured out how to get incorporated into the way of life of Americans. Without a doubt, her instruction and the method for youngsters rising made an incredible commitment to the future fate of her child. The different Wes Moore didn't have th

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Doppelgängers Revealing Personal Duality - Literature Essay Samples

A recurring plot point in Edgar Allan Poe’s short horror stories, doppelgà ¤ngers allow Poe to delve deep into characters’ consciences, enabling the reader to grasp the contrasting duality of human nature. This theme appears in Poe’s â€Å"William Wilson† providing suspense and thrilling plot twists for a memorable ending. A popular literary technique, doppelgà ¤ngers appear most often in Gothic literature. Based on a compound German word, â€Å"doppelgà ¤nger† can be literally translated to mean â€Å"double-goer.† A fitting translation, â€Å"double-goer† properly describes the character to which a doppelgà ¤nger refers. Defined as either â€Å"a ghostly counterpart of a living person† or a â€Å"double, alter ego, a person who has the same name as another,† doppelgà ¤ngers basically describe extremely similar characters who have a very strong personal connection, whether they are related, or just happen to sha re the same name (â€Å"doppelganger†). In Poe’s short story, â€Å"William Wilson,† the narrator, who calls himself William Wilson, meets his namesake, when another William Wilson arrives at Dr. Bransby’s Academy. Immediately, his doppelgà ¤nger affects Wilson’s mental wellbeing. Wilson’s doppelgà ¤nger follows him throughout the world, foiling his attempts at trickery. Following several build-ups of passionate hatred, Wilson’s displeasure overflows, and he tries to defeat his namesake, but both times, he cannot complete the act he intended because of a shocking realization. A true doppelgà ¤nger, William Wilson’s namesake possesses several traits exactly like those of Wilson. First, of course, â€Å"although no relation,† they possess the same name. At first, Wilson attempts to write this off as a coincidence, calling the shared name â€Å"one of those every-day appellations which seem, by perspective right, t o have been, time out of mind, the common property of the mob† in order to assign less value to the fact that they have the same name (Poe 243). Another â€Å"mere accident,† Wilson and his namesake arrive at the school on the same day, setting â€Å"afloat the notion that [they] were brothers† (245). Surprisingly, had this same-named stranger been his brother, he and Wilson would have been twins; Wilson learns that they also share a birthday, along with the author: â€Å"the nineteenth of January, 1813† (245). Wilson also discovers that his doppelgà ¤nger are â€Å"of the same height† and â€Å"even singularly alike in general contour of person and outline of feature,† furthering the belief that they could be twins (246). After realizing all the similarities that cannot be helped, the doppelgà ¤nger takes the imitation further, purposefully mimicking his style of dress. With practice, the doppelgà ¤nger manages to copy Wilson’ s voice, but the doppelgà ¤nger has a â€Å"constitutional defect† which prohibits him from speaking audibly (247). The doppelgà ¤nger can only manage to whisper, but â€Å"his singular whisper† slowly becomes â€Å"the very echo† of Wilson’s voice (247). Despite these glowing similarities, Wilson finds â€Å"no reason to believe that†¦this similarity had ever been made a subject of comment, or even observed at all by our schoolfellows† (247). With all these disturbing similarities, Wilson confesses â€Å"nothing could more seriously disturb [him]†¦than any allusion to a similarity of mind, person, or condition existing between [them]† and develops feelings of disgust and vexation. Truthfully, however, the original William Wilson is â€Å"aggressive, witty, and imperious,† while his namesake presents himself as â€Å"Quiet, gentle, and wise—but unthreatened† (Warner 1). Following Wilson’s opinion of him, the doppelgà ¤nger maintains a detrimental hold on Wilson. A cunning prankster, Wilson often attempts to pull pranks on his fellow classmates, until his doppelgà ¤nger arrives. His namesake’s â€Å"constant thwarting† of his schemes â€Å"sparks a slowly smoldering hatred in Wilson† (â€Å"There are Two Sides to Every Poe† 1). In an attempt to punish his doppelgà ¤nger, Wilson intends to play a prank on him. Sneaking into his bedroom late at night, Wilson pulls back the drapes around the bed, but cannot bring himself to carry out his plan, because the face he sees in the bed is his own. To escape this terrifying sight, Wilson flees the Academy for Eton College. With newfound control over his doppelgà ¤nger, William Wilson quickly reverts to his old ways. In a â€Å"moment of intoxicated weakness and depravity,† the doppelgà ¤nger returns, announcing his return by whispering the shared name into Wilson’s ear (1). Once aga in, this confrontation sends Wilson running away to Oxford University. While at Oxford, Wilson predictably continues with his â€Å"hedonistic antics† when he attempts to â€Å"cheat a nobleman, Lord Glendinning, at cards† (1). Suddenly, the intruding doppelgà ¤nger reveals Wilson’s scheme, saying he is â€Å"fulfilling a duty† (Poe 256). This opinion of his deed reveals the doppelgà ¤nger’s true form and purpose in Wilson’s life. Serving as an external view of Wilson’s conscience, the doppelgà ¤nger allows an internal conflict within William Wilson to exist in true sight. Clearly, Wilson and his namesake represent the duality of human nature. As Wilson portrays himself through his scheming true self and his appropriate doppelgà ¤nger, so people often face internal conflicts with either side of themselves. For example, the temptation to cheat on a test may entice the overwhelmed side of a student, but the desire to maintain a certain level of integrity inspires the honest side of the same student. Poe introduces the doppelgà ¤nger to appropriately show William Wilson’s internal conflict externally. Facing â€Å"a conflict of conscience—doing good versus doing evil,† William Wilson truly fights his conscience when he battles against his doppelgà ¤nger (Coulahan 2). Unfortunately, Wilson realizes his true connection to his doppelgà ¤nger too late.The final straw, Wilson’s doppelgà ¤nger arrives at a masquerade party and foils Wilson’s attempt at seducing a beautiful married woman. Upon hearing the â€Å"ever-remembered, low, damnable whisper† in his ear, Wilson breaks into a â€Å"[f]renzy of wrath† towards his doppelgà ¤nger (Poe 260). Engaged in a swordfight, the doppelgà ¤nger seems unwilling to partake in the confrontation for the obvious reason that there can be no winner when someone fights with himself. In an absolute rage, Wilson stabs his namesake repeatedly through the chest. To â€Å"prevent an intrusion,† Wilson turns away from his doppelgà ¤nger for a split second, but when he â€Å"immediately return[s] to [his] dying antagonist,† he sees instead a large mirror (261). In the mirror, Wilson witnesses his â€Å"own image, but with features all pale and dabbled in blood,† indicating that by killing his doppelgà ¤nger, he has actually killed himself. Confirming this, the doppelgà ¤nger reiterates that by murdering him, Wilson has murdered himself.Indeed, killing one’s conscience ultimately leads to death, whether physical or emotional. By ignoring the morals engraved into their characters, people undermine the moral fiber that keeps society running in an orderly fashion. As Wilson ignores his doppelgà ¤nger in attempts to cheat in cards and seduce a married woman, he harms not only himself but also those his schemes are directed at. Similarly, the duality of human beings ke eps both sides in check, allowing the conscience to dictate moral behavior.Poe uses the common literary technique, doppelgà ¤ngers, to portray the common theme of duality of human nature. Serving as the good side, the doppelgà ¤nger in â€Å"William Wilson† provided a loathed contrast to the evil William Wilson. By incorporating doppelgà ¤ngers as a literary technique, Edgar Allan Poe externalizes an internal conflict in several stories, including â€Å"William Wilson.†Works Cited Coulahan, Jack. William Wilson. Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database. 19 Dec. 2001. New York University. 7 Sept. 2008 . doppelganger. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2008.Merriam-Webster Online. 7 September 2008Poe, Edgar A. Great Short Works of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: HarperCollins, 1970. There are Two Sides to Every Poe. 3 June 2006. 7 Sept. 2008 . Warner, C. S. Doppelgà ¤ngers in Poes William Wilson and the Movie, Fight Club. Associated Content. 8 Aug. 2007. As sociated Content. 7 Sept. 2008 .

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Interesting Facts and Data About American Indians

Due to longstanding cultural mythology and the fact that Native Americans constitute one of the smallest racial groups in the United States, misinformation about indigenous peoples abounds. Many Americans simply regard Native Americans as caricatures that only come to mind when Pilgrims, cowboys, or Columbus are the topics at hand. Yet American Indians are three-dimensional people who exist in the here and now. In recognition of National Native American Heritage Month, the U.S. Census Bureau has collected data about American Indians that reveal noteworthy trends taking place among this diverse racial group. Get the facts about what makes Native Americans unique. Almost Half of Native Americans Are Mixed-Race According to the 2010 U.S. Census, more than five million Native Americans live in the United States, making up 1.7 percent of the population. While 2.9 million U.S. indigenous peoples identify as solely American Indian or Alaska Native, 2.3 million identified as multiracial, the Census Bureau reported. Thats nearly half of the indigenous population. Why do so many Natives identify as biracial or multiracial? The reasons for the trend vary. Some of these Native Americans may be the product of interracial couples—one indigenous parent and one of another race. They may also have non-Native ancestry that dates back to generations past. On the flip side, many whites and blacks claim to have Native American ancestry because race mixing has taken place in the U.S. for centuries. There’s even a nickname for this phenomenon, â€Å"Cherokee Grandmother Syndrome.† It refers to people who report family legends that a distant ancestor such as their great-great-grandmother was Native American. This isn’t to say that the whites and blacks in question are always lying or mistaken about having indigenous ancestry. When talk show host Oprah Winfrey had her DNA analyzed on the television show â€Å"African American Lives,† she was found to have a significant amount of Native American lineage. Many people who claim American Indian origin don’t know much, if anything, about their Native ancestor and are ignorant about Native cultures and customs. Yet they may be responsible for a boost in the indigenous population if they claim Native ancestry on the census. â€Å"Reclaimers are perceived as preying upon the current trendiness of Nativeness as well as perhaps embracing this heritage for economic, or perceived economic, gain,† Kathleen J. Fitzgerald writes in the book Beyond White Ethnicity. Examples include Margaret Seltzer (aka Margaret B. Jones) and Timothy Patrick Barrus (aka Nasdijj), a couple of the white writers who profited from writing memoirs in which they pretended to be Native American. Another reason for the high number of multiracial Native Americans is the spike in the number of Latin American immigrants in the U.S. with indigenous ancestry. The 2010 census found that Latinos are increasingly choosing to identify as Native American. Many Latinos have European, indigenous and African ancestry. Those who are intimately connected to their indigenous roots want such ancestry to be acknowledged. The Native American Population Is Growing â€Å"When Indians go away, they don’t come back. Last of the Mohicans, last of the Winnebago, last of the Coeur d’Alene people†¦,† says a character in the Native American film â€Å"Smoke Signals.† He alludes to the widely spread notion in U.S. society that indigenous peoples are extinct. Contrary to popular belief, Native Americans did not all disappear when Europeans settled in the New World. Although the warfare and disease that Europeans spread upon arriving in the Americas did decimate entire communities of American Indians, U.S. indigenous groups are actually growing today. The Native American population rose by 1.1 million, or 26.7%, between the 2000 and 2010 census. That’s much faster than the general population growth of 9.7%. By 2050, the Native population is expected to increase by more than three million. The Native American population is concentrated in 15 states, all of which have indigenous populations of 100,000 or more: California, Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, New York, New Mexico, Washington, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, Minnesota, and Illinois. While California has the largest number of Native Americans, Alaska has the highest percentage of the population. Given that the median age of the Native American population is 29, eight years younger than the general population, the indigenous population is in a prime position to expand. Eight Native American Tribes Have at Least 100,000 Members Many Americans would draw a blank if asked to list a handful of the nation’s largest indigenous tribes. The country is home to 565 federally-recognized Indian tribes and 334 American Indian reservations. The largest eight tribes range in size from 819,105 to 105,304, with the Cherokee, Navajo, Choctaw, Mexican-American Indians, Chippewa, Sioux, Apache, and Blackfeet topping the list. A Significant Portion of Native Americans Are Bilingual Unless you live in Indian Country, it may be a surprise for you to learn that many Native Americans speak more than one language. The Census Bureau has found that 28% of American Indians and Alaska Natives speak a language other than English at home. That’s higher than the U.S. average of 21%. Among the Navajo Nation, a whopping 73% of members are bilingual. The fact that many Native Americans today speak both English and a tribal language is, in part, due to the work of activists who have striven to keep indigenous dialects alive. As recently as the 1900s, the U.S. government actively worked to stop Native peoples from speaking in tribal languages. Government officials even sent indigenous children to boarding schools where they were punished for speaking tribal languages. As elders in some indigenous communities died, fewer and fewer tribal members could speak the tribal language and pass it on. According to the National Geographic Society’s Enduring Voices Project, a language dies every two weeks. More than half of the world’s 7,000 languages will vanish by 2100, and many such languages have never been written down. To help preserve indigenous languages and interests worldwide, the United Nations created a Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007. Native American Businesses Are Booming Native American businesses are on the rise. From 2002 to 2007, receipts for such businesses jumped by 28%. To boot, the number of Native American businesses increased by 17.7% during the same time period. With 45,629 Native-owned businesses, California leads the nation in indigenous enterprises, followed by Oklahoma and Texas. More than half of indigenous businesses fall into the construction, repair, maintenance, personal and laundry services categories. Sources and Further Reading Fitzgerald, Kathleen J. Beyond White Ethnicity. Lexington Books, 2007.  Hinton, Leanne, and Ken Hale. The Green Book of Language Revitalization in Practice. Leiden: Brill, 2013.The American Indian and Alaska Native Population: 2010. 2010 Census Briefs. Washington DC: United States Census Bureau, January 2012.United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Indigenous Peoples. United Nations, 2007.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing my Local Grocery Store to Walmart - 1126 Words

For this assignment, I decided to go to a grocery store by my house named Meijer. Meijer is just like any other grocery store, similar to Wal-Mart, yet higher quality products than Wal-Mart. The clothing for both boys and girls sections are close together. I noticed that there are articles of clothing that are similar for boys and girls, but they are called different names to make them more masculine or feminine. For example, shirts for girls are called fashion tops and just shirts for boys. Some patterns that I saw in the clothing/toys is that for almost each advertisement or label had a picture of a boy or a girl to indicate which toy or clothing is meant for which gender. I did find some things that I thought were unusual. One thing†¦show more content†¦Other factors are how kids play with each other, their peers they are surrounded by, and the media. Males tend to be more physical when they play indicating that they are more aggressive than females are. Both males and fe males play different sports than females. An instance would be football, soccer, and wrestling, compared to cheerleading, gymnastics, and volleyball for the girls. Football, soccer, and wrestling are a more physical contact sport than cheerleading, gymnastics or volleyball are. Peers is also another part for socialization because the way boys or girls act around each other. Children follow by example, so if they see their friends doing something, they will most likely follow. As children get older, peers plays a bigger part in influencing children to act a certain way according to society and other peers. Lastly, the media is additionally has a huge impression on how kids should act and look. The commercials for children on T.V. convince children what they should be playing with, who they should be playing with, how they should look, and how they should act. It is very rare to see girls playing Legos or hot wheels in commercials. The same is for boys, commercials do not promote boys playing with and accessorizing with Barbie dolls. Some clothes that are deemed to be gender neutral are certain types of shirts and shoes. An example of a gender neutral shirtShow MoreRelatedUsing A Randomized Block Design And Socioeconomic Sequential Testing Essay1727 Words   |  7 Pagesstill have the time and money to pursue my other interests. This, however, has not always been the case because I failed to realize that this new adventure would be weighed down with much responsibility. One of the necessary responsibilities that I did not consider until I moved away from home was grocery shopping. As a full time student, working part time, I am forced to embrace frugality. Because of this, I have chosen to investigate my typical weekly grocery list. Using a Randomized Block DesignRead MoreStrategic Management And Planning : Walmart Vs. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Customer Feedback Landmark Hotel in Auckland

Question: Discuss about theCustomer Feedbackfor Landmark Hotel in Auckland. Answer: Introduction: The report discusses about the issues faced by Landmark hotel in Auckland. In light of losing several business accounts and drop in the rate of repeat bookings, General Manager of hotel emphasizes on measuring by ways of collecting data as he thinks that management is best done when various variable affecting it is measured. Report has two parts. In first part, varies ways of measuring guest satisfaction is discussed along with their strength and weakness. Integrate feedback from different ways and a way is designed for sharing the information and identifying people for reporting it (Ariffin et al., 2013). Second part of report discusses about several sub sets of questions from the survey conducted on guest for hotels. Various issues identified in the operation of hotels are discussed and several recommendations are provided for actions. Discussion: Part A: Landmark hotel is facing few issues concerning its booking rates and has been losing several business accounts. General Manager is thinking that guest satisfaction report would be relevant in determining the cause of lagging business and therefore he intends to measure the satisfaction of gests by some possible sources. Foundation of any successful business is formed because of satisfied customers (Chen et al., 2015). This is so because customer satisfaction leads to repeated purchase, build brand loyalty by spreading positive word of mouth. Satisfaction depicts the overall attitude of the customers toward the provider of service. There seems to exist positive connection between loyalty, customer satisfaction and retention. Measuring the satisfaction of customers assist the organization in understanding the key drivers that is causing dissatisfaction and satisfaction among the consumers with service provider. Moreover, it helps organization in focusing on its customers and improving their satisfaction. It also helps hoteliers in understanding the extent to which satisfaction is influenced by factors that is outside their control (El Haddad, 2015). However, there are various factors influencing customer satisfaction. Three possible sources for measuring guest satisfaction and their strength and weakness are as follows: There are various sources of measuring customer satisfaction and it comprise of external and internal sources. Conducting customer satisfaction survey- It is one of the economic and efficient ways of measuring customer satisfaction. They are designed to give unambiguous and anonymous insight into perception and thoughts of service and product. Gathering information directly from customers would be beneficial in measuring satisfaction (Molina-Azorn et al., 2015). However, there are some pros and cons of this method. Conducting survey helps in getting up to date feedback by regularly scheduling email and online surveys. It helps in receiving an immediate feedback from customers. Benchmark results are obtained as the organization can gain continuous insight into the customers. On the other hand, conducting survey might be faced with time constraint. Privacy issues is another disadvantage of this source as there is insecurity of releasing private information (Padilla-Melndez Garrido-Moreno, 2014). Telephonic interviews- This tool kit for measuring satisfaction comes with low cost and high control of sample and standards of interviewer. It uses simple scales for ratings. Some of the weakness of this method is explanatory visuals cannot be shown using this method. It is not possible to access all the customers through the phone. Reviewing Operational Data from your Own Organization: This source helps in uncovering customer discontent potential areas by reviewing key operational data. It will help in uncovering some factors that would be immediately fixed, which will get the business on right track and make customers happy (Prasad et al., 2014). It provides specific information that could be used in quality management. At the same time, some relevant information might be missed which can be solely available from external sources (Zhou et al., 2014). Therefore, this source is somewhat reliable. It is very essential for hotel such as landmark to manage its feedback properly so that it is directed toward implementing strategies for improving booking rate and acquiring of business accounts. Feedback report generated from measuring satisfaction of customers needs to be reported to senior management, operational management, customer facing staffs, communication staffs, strategic and police staffs. Involvement of the senior and operational management of landmark hotel would make them act on solving existing issues (Oh et al., 2015). This report would give them a sense of the way customers feel toward the service provided. Implementing results of customer satisfaction measurement is also critical for customer facing staffs. Feedback report of landmark hotel should be designed in such a way that it should that it include both summarized and specific information. Feedback report include cover page and a body consisting of three main sections. It will include a section of data on performance of hotel along with cover page for summary information. It will also contain a section of job specifics and companywide competencies. The data are summarized from the respondents concerning questionnaires. Information are presented using the descriptive statements. Feedback report include the evaluation of negative elements being discovered. Resolving of the issues is done by framing an action plan to be included in feedback report. Part B: Data of guest survey spreadsheet is calculated and analyzed with the help of measures of central tendency and standard deviation (Pizam et al., 2016). Mean, median, mode and standard deviation have been used for calculation purpose. Mean is average value of given set of observations. It is obtained by dividing the total number of observation by total number of observations. Median shows the middle most values in the set of observations. This value separates higher half of sample of data from the lower half. Mode is the most appeared value in data set. It means mode is most frequent occurred value. Standard deviation denotes variation from the average value and it is a measure of dispersion. It measures absolute variation of a distribution. Analysis of Figures From Guest Survey: First question mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at 2.93,3,3 and .83 respectively. Most of respondents agree that service provided is of high standard. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation of second question stands at 3.06,3,4 and .87. Most of respondents agree that they are welcomed and looked after. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation of hotel maintenance stands at 2.1,2,2 and .71. These figures show that respondents are not satisfied with maintenance of landmark hotel. Fourth question mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at 2.1,2,2 and .74. Figures depicts that room was not clean to high standard upon arrival. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation of fifth question stands at 2.5,3,3 and .77. It is depicted from figure that most of respondents disagree about room ability for getting good night sleep. Sixth question mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at 2.4,2,2 and .67. Figure depicts that some of respondents disagree that breakfast was not an enjoyable experience. Mean median, mode and standard deviation of seventh question stands at 2.9,3,3 and .71. It is depicted by figure that most of respondents agree that good environmental practices is practiced by hotel. When it comes to recommend hotel by respondents, mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at .53, 1, 1 and .507. Figures depicts that only few respondents would recommend this hotel to others. Ninth question mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at .83, 1, 1 and .37. This value shows that only few respondents strongly disagree that they have stayed at this hotel. Average value is deviating least from observed value (Yang et al., 2014). Last question deals with preferring other hotel than Landmark hotel after experience. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at .433, 0, 0 and .504. This Figure depicts that none of respondents would prefer another scenic hotel after experience of this hotel. From the above discussion and analysis of figures, some of issues faced by hotel can be listed down as below: Landmark hotel does not have high standard of maintenance Upon arrival, guests are experiencing untidiness Landmark hotel has very fewer chances of being recommended by majority of respondents. Therefore, from above analysis, landmark hotel needs to maintain high standard in terms of cleanliness of rooms and maintenance of hotel rooms. Respondents are less likely to recommend landmark hotel to others. Recommendation: It is recommended on part of hotel to embrace the idea that maintenance of assets and management of visibility should be increased. This shows that attention of senior level management is required for controlling and maintaining the infrastructures. Asset management history of hotel should be tracked and evaluated monthly for identifying trends of hotel maintenance. It would include energy drains, many work orders issues related to potential capital expenditure and bottlenecks. It should be ascertained that all the assets of hotel along with asset detail such as description, installation cost, serial number, and vendor, associated cost and expected useful life. Hotel should make evaluation of all the above. Any increase in proactive maintenance should come with setting of the target and a computerized maintenance management software should be installed. This would provide senior management. It is also required on part of management to take some measures to promote the hotel, as fewer respondents are likely to recommend the hotel to others. This can be done by offering packages, organizing events, launching loyalty programs and making seasonal promotions. Conclusion: From the above discussion, it can be concluded that maintenance trends of landmark hotel are the most important identified issue leading to falling booking rates. It is the responsibility of owners and management of hotels for maintain physical infrastructure, equipment is while jointly maintaining environmental responsibility. It is confirmed by majority of respondents that maintenance issue was the main reason behind decrease in preference of customers toward service of Landmark hotel. Reference: Ariffin, A. A. M., Nameghi, E. N., Zakaria, N. I. (2013). The effect of hospitableness and servicescape on guest satisfaction in the hotel industry.Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration,30(2), 127-137. Chen, C. M., Yang, H. W., Li, E. Y., Liu, C. C. (2015). How does hotel pricing influence guest satisfaction by the moderating influence of room occupancy?.International Journal of Hospitality Management,49, 136-138. El Haddad, R. (2015). Exploration of revenue management practicescase of an upscale budget hotel chain.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,27(8), 1791-1813. 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Customer satisfaction and its measurement in hospitality enterprises: a revisit and update.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,28(1), 2-35. Prasad, K., Wirtz, P. W., Yu, L. (2014). Measuring hotel guest satisfaction by using an online quality management system.Journal of Hospitality Marketing Management,23(4), 445-463. Xiang, Z., Schwartz, Z., Gerdes, J. H., Uysal, M. (2015). What can big data and text analytics tell us about hotel guest experience and satisfaction?.International Journal of Hospitality Management,44, 120-130. Yang, Y., Luo, H., Law, R. (2014). Theoretical, empirical, and operational models in hotel location research.International Journal of Hospitality Management,36, 209-220. Zhou, L., Ye, S., Pearce, P. L., Wu, M. Y. (2014). Refreshing hotel satisfaction studies by reconfiguring customer review data.International Journal of Hospitality Management,38, 1-10.