Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Customer Feedback Landmark Hotel in Auckland

Question: Discuss about theCustomer Feedbackfor Landmark Hotel in Auckland. Answer: Introduction: The report discusses about the issues faced by Landmark hotel in Auckland. In light of losing several business accounts and drop in the rate of repeat bookings, General Manager of hotel emphasizes on measuring by ways of collecting data as he thinks that management is best done when various variable affecting it is measured. Report has two parts. In first part, varies ways of measuring guest satisfaction is discussed along with their strength and weakness. Integrate feedback from different ways and a way is designed for sharing the information and identifying people for reporting it (Ariffin et al., 2013). Second part of report discusses about several sub sets of questions from the survey conducted on guest for hotels. Various issues identified in the operation of hotels are discussed and several recommendations are provided for actions. Discussion: Part A: Landmark hotel is facing few issues concerning its booking rates and has been losing several business accounts. General Manager is thinking that guest satisfaction report would be relevant in determining the cause of lagging business and therefore he intends to measure the satisfaction of gests by some possible sources. Foundation of any successful business is formed because of satisfied customers (Chen et al., 2015). This is so because customer satisfaction leads to repeated purchase, build brand loyalty by spreading positive word of mouth. Satisfaction depicts the overall attitude of the customers toward the provider of service. There seems to exist positive connection between loyalty, customer satisfaction and retention. Measuring the satisfaction of customers assist the organization in understanding the key drivers that is causing dissatisfaction and satisfaction among the consumers with service provider. Moreover, it helps organization in focusing on its customers and improving their satisfaction. It also helps hoteliers in understanding the extent to which satisfaction is influenced by factors that is outside their control (El Haddad, 2015). However, there are various factors influencing customer satisfaction. Three possible sources for measuring guest satisfaction and their strength and weakness are as follows: There are various sources of measuring customer satisfaction and it comprise of external and internal sources. Conducting customer satisfaction survey- It is one of the economic and efficient ways of measuring customer satisfaction. They are designed to give unambiguous and anonymous insight into perception and thoughts of service and product. Gathering information directly from customers would be beneficial in measuring satisfaction (Molina-Azorn et al., 2015). However, there are some pros and cons of this method. Conducting survey helps in getting up to date feedback by regularly scheduling email and online surveys. It helps in receiving an immediate feedback from customers. Benchmark results are obtained as the organization can gain continuous insight into the customers. On the other hand, conducting survey might be faced with time constraint. Privacy issues is another disadvantage of this source as there is insecurity of releasing private information (Padilla-Melndez Garrido-Moreno, 2014). Telephonic interviews- This tool kit for measuring satisfaction comes with low cost and high control of sample and standards of interviewer. It uses simple scales for ratings. Some of the weakness of this method is explanatory visuals cannot be shown using this method. It is not possible to access all the customers through the phone. Reviewing Operational Data from your Own Organization: This source helps in uncovering customer discontent potential areas by reviewing key operational data. It will help in uncovering some factors that would be immediately fixed, which will get the business on right track and make customers happy (Prasad et al., 2014). It provides specific information that could be used in quality management. At the same time, some relevant information might be missed which can be solely available from external sources (Zhou et al., 2014). Therefore, this source is somewhat reliable. It is very essential for hotel such as landmark to manage its feedback properly so that it is directed toward implementing strategies for improving booking rate and acquiring of business accounts. Feedback report generated from measuring satisfaction of customers needs to be reported to senior management, operational management, customer facing staffs, communication staffs, strategic and police staffs. Involvement of the senior and operational management of landmark hotel would make them act on solving existing issues (Oh et al., 2015). This report would give them a sense of the way customers feel toward the service provided. Implementing results of customer satisfaction measurement is also critical for customer facing staffs. Feedback report of landmark hotel should be designed in such a way that it should that it include both summarized and specific information. Feedback report include cover page and a body consisting of three main sections. It will include a section of data on performance of hotel along with cover page for summary information. It will also contain a section of job specifics and companywide competencies. The data are summarized from the respondents concerning questionnaires. Information are presented using the descriptive statements. Feedback report include the evaluation of negative elements being discovered. Resolving of the issues is done by framing an action plan to be included in feedback report. Part B: Data of guest survey spreadsheet is calculated and analyzed with the help of measures of central tendency and standard deviation (Pizam et al., 2016). Mean, median, mode and standard deviation have been used for calculation purpose. Mean is average value of given set of observations. It is obtained by dividing the total number of observation by total number of observations. Median shows the middle most values in the set of observations. This value separates higher half of sample of data from the lower half. Mode is the most appeared value in data set. It means mode is most frequent occurred value. Standard deviation denotes variation from the average value and it is a measure of dispersion. It measures absolute variation of a distribution. Analysis of Figures From Guest Survey: First question mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at 2.93,3,3 and .83 respectively. Most of respondents agree that service provided is of high standard. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation of second question stands at 3.06,3,4 and .87. Most of respondents agree that they are welcomed and looked after. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation of hotel maintenance stands at 2.1,2,2 and .71. These figures show that respondents are not satisfied with maintenance of landmark hotel. Fourth question mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at 2.1,2,2 and .74. Figures depicts that room was not clean to high standard upon arrival. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation of fifth question stands at 2.5,3,3 and .77. It is depicted from figure that most of respondents disagree about room ability for getting good night sleep. Sixth question mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at 2.4,2,2 and .67. Figure depicts that some of respondents disagree that breakfast was not an enjoyable experience. Mean median, mode and standard deviation of seventh question stands at 2.9,3,3 and .71. It is depicted by figure that most of respondents agree that good environmental practices is practiced by hotel. When it comes to recommend hotel by respondents, mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at .53, 1, 1 and .507. Figures depicts that only few respondents would recommend this hotel to others. Ninth question mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at .83, 1, 1 and .37. This value shows that only few respondents strongly disagree that they have stayed at this hotel. Average value is deviating least from observed value (Yang et al., 2014). Last question deals with preferring other hotel than Landmark hotel after experience. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation stands at .433, 0, 0 and .504. This Figure depicts that none of respondents would prefer another scenic hotel after experience of this hotel. From the above discussion and analysis of figures, some of issues faced by hotel can be listed down as below: Landmark hotel does not have high standard of maintenance Upon arrival, guests are experiencing untidiness Landmark hotel has very fewer chances of being recommended by majority of respondents. Therefore, from above analysis, landmark hotel needs to maintain high standard in terms of cleanliness of rooms and maintenance of hotel rooms. Respondents are less likely to recommend landmark hotel to others. Recommendation: It is recommended on part of hotel to embrace the idea that maintenance of assets and management of visibility should be increased. This shows that attention of senior level management is required for controlling and maintaining the infrastructures. Asset management history of hotel should be tracked and evaluated monthly for identifying trends of hotel maintenance. It would include energy drains, many work orders issues related to potential capital expenditure and bottlenecks. It should be ascertained that all the assets of hotel along with asset detail such as description, installation cost, serial number, and vendor, associated cost and expected useful life. Hotel should make evaluation of all the above. Any increase in proactive maintenance should come with setting of the target and a computerized maintenance management software should be installed. This would provide senior management. It is also required on part of management to take some measures to promote the hotel, as fewer respondents are likely to recommend the hotel to others. This can be done by offering packages, organizing events, launching loyalty programs and making seasonal promotions. Conclusion: From the above discussion, it can be concluded that maintenance trends of landmark hotel are the most important identified issue leading to falling booking rates. 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