Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing my Local Grocery Store to Walmart - 1126 Words

For this assignment, I decided to go to a grocery store by my house named Meijer. Meijer is just like any other grocery store, similar to Wal-Mart, yet higher quality products than Wal-Mart. The clothing for both boys and girls sections are close together. I noticed that there are articles of clothing that are similar for boys and girls, but they are called different names to make them more masculine or feminine. For example, shirts for girls are called fashion tops and just shirts for boys. Some patterns that I saw in the clothing/toys is that for almost each advertisement or label had a picture of a boy or a girl to indicate which toy or clothing is meant for which gender. I did find some things that I thought were unusual. One thing†¦show more content†¦Other factors are how kids play with each other, their peers they are surrounded by, and the media. Males tend to be more physical when they play indicating that they are more aggressive than females are. Both males and fe males play different sports than females. An instance would be football, soccer, and wrestling, compared to cheerleading, gymnastics, and volleyball for the girls. Football, soccer, and wrestling are a more physical contact sport than cheerleading, gymnastics or volleyball are. Peers is also another part for socialization because the way boys or girls act around each other. Children follow by example, so if they see their friends doing something, they will most likely follow. As children get older, peers plays a bigger part in influencing children to act a certain way according to society and other peers. Lastly, the media is additionally has a huge impression on how kids should act and look. The commercials for children on T.V. convince children what they should be playing with, who they should be playing with, how they should look, and how they should act. It is very rare to see girls playing Legos or hot wheels in commercials. The same is for boys, commercials do not promote boys playing with and accessorizing with Barbie dolls. Some clothes that are deemed to be gender neutral are certain types of shirts and shoes. An example of a gender neutral shirtShow MoreRelatedUsing A Randomized Block Design And Socioeconomic Sequential Testing Essay1727 Words   |  7 Pagesstill have the time and money to pursue my other interests. This, however, has not always been the case because I failed to realize that this new adventure would be weighed down with much responsibility. One of the necessary responsibilities that I did not consider until I moved away from home was grocery shopping. As a full time student, working part time, I am forced to embrace frugality. Because of this, I have chosen to investigate my typical weekly grocery list. Using a Randomized Block DesignRead MoreStrategic Management And Planning : Walmart Vs. 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